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Explore Automations

Create multimodal models and AI workflows by connecting multiple models without coding. Use them in your application using auto-generated APIs.

Model ID #1468513

Generate a poem → Generate a prompt to generate an image → Generate an Image

Model ID #3851782

Detect text from a photographed doctor's note → Summarize the note → Email Summary

Model ID #9655300

Generate a podcast script → Translate it → Generate Speech

Model ID #1949750

Generate product description → Generate SEO title and description → Email Meta Tags

Model ID #7832340

Scrape a Blog webpage → Generate a Summary → Tweet it

Model ID #2384759

Generate an image → Generate image tags → Generate image description

Model ID #7578547

Extract handwriting, text or data from any document → Summarize text

Model ID #9200140

Generate transcript from audio file → Translate to French → Generate human-like speech in French

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