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Generate a poem → Generate a prompt to generate an image → Generate an Image

You may pick a line from famous poems and generate variations

You can edit the poem here anytime

You can edit the prompt here before generating the image

Generated Image & Poem

You can edit the poem or regenerate the image if you are not satisfied with the result

Whose woods these are I think I know. 
His house is in the village though;
Life is a journey, like a winding road
Dotted with joys and sorrows untold
We start off as a baby, so small and meek
But as we grow, our strength we seek.

We stumble, we fall, we learn, we grow
We find our way and we come to know
The beauty of life and the precious love
That guides us through the stars above.

We take the path that's meant for us
We take the courage to make a fuss
We travel down the winding road
To find our dreams and be bold.

You can scroll up to edit the poem

Once you submit a poem, it appears in AI Library Gallery. Submissions are auto-moderated.

Once shared, you will be able to share a link with your friends.

Kindly do not share content not fit to be consumed by all. Be responsible, kind and empathetic.

What are automations?

Automations assist you to create workflows and multimodal models using models in AI Library without coding. You can integrate them in your application using auto-generated APIs.

Who can create automations?

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